Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/81

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right there in the middle of the road. The poor little creature set up such a pitiful wailing that she had to forget her own troubles and pick him up and wrap him in her apron and hurry home to Maum Hannah.

The old woman shook her head and looked very stern. "Dis child ain' no seven months' child. Look at de hair on his head. E got toe-nails an' finger-nails good as my own. You might could fool de people, but you can' fool me, gal, an' you can' fool God. All two o we can tell a full ripe baby from one what comes too soon. You know I'll forgive you quick, but I don' know how God feels. You better confess you sin, gal, an' beg de Master to forgive you.

"It's a bad sign to drop a child in de Big Road. Dis is gwine to be a far-roamin child. You'll see, too. His legs is awful long. Just like July's own. E ain' gwine to be no mild-mannered man what stays round home all de time."

Maum Hannah's words were scolding words, but they were spoken between chuckles for her old eyes beamed with pleasure as her deft old hands washed and dressed Mary's and July's fine, strong, new-born son.

When all the neighbors came hurrying to see Mary's son, tears trickled down her cheeks as they declared that Mary had a brave heart.