Page:Scarlet Sister Mary (1928).pdf/82

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She had done well in her first trial at birthing a child. A woman with plenty of experience could have done no better. God must have blessed her with the same wisdom he gave to the beasts, who know well when the time comes to birth their young, and instead of complaining of God's ways, as people do, go off alone without a word, and struggle with their labor as best they can. So many women who are made in the image of God himself, lie down helpless, full of groans and bitter words, quickened by fear as much as by the pain itself. Mary had a brave heart, and she had come through well. God had blessed her.

The neighbors said many fine words agreeing with Maum Hannah, but they looked to the child's hair and tiny nails and could hardly wait to get outside of Mary's door before they began whispering behind their hands that Mary's child was not a too-soon one. He was full ripe, come to full time. Mary was a sinner. Mary knew exactly what they were saying. But what if she had been married only half a year? What difference did it make? July was her lawful, wedded husband now, and her baby's father. What more could they ask?

July was as pleased as he could be. He hurried to Grab-All for the castor-oil Maum Hannah