Page:Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) from 1926.pdf/1

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College Entrance Examination Board
Scholastic Aptitude Test

Form A1

Sign your name here as you ordinarily sign it:

Print your name here:

(Last name)(First name)(Middle name)

Residence:(Street and number)(Town or city)(State)

New plan?Examination number:

What institution do you propose entering?

Name of educational institution at present attended:

Address of this institution:

Date of birth: Examination center:
Date of birth: (Month) (Day) (Year)

Read these directions carefully

Do not break the seals of this booklet until the examiner tells you to. When the examiner says "Go," open the booklet and start work on sub-test one. Work steadily and as quickly as is consistent with accuracy. The time of each sub-test has been fixed so that very few can finish any one of them in the time allowed. Do not worry if you cannot finish all of the problems in each sub-test before time is called.

Follow the examiner's instructions exactly. Start work on a test when he says "Go," and stop work immediately when he says "Stop."

During the time allowed for each sub-test, you must work on that particular sub-test and no other. You will not be allowed to work ahead on a sub-test which has not been announced by the examiner, nor to go back and work on a sub-test that you have failed to finish. If, therefore, you finish any sub-test before time is called, re-check your work on that test.

Work steadily but do not press too hard for speed. Accuracy counts as well as speed. Do not penalize yourself by careless mistakes.

After reading these instructions, wait. Do not

break the seals to open the booklet until the signal is given.
This folder contains as Test Ten, one copy of the Otis Self-Administrating Tests of Mental Ability, Higher Examination Form A, copyright 1922 by the World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York, and reprinted here by special permission of the World Book Company.3
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Copyright, 1926, by the College Entrance Examination Bord, New York, N.Y.