Page:Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) from 1926.pdf/2

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(illegible text) booklet around

Sub-test One

Form A

Thirty-three definitions are given below. From each definition, the word defined has been omitted, and a number in parentheses is substituted. At the margin of the page, a list of sixty-six words is given in alphabetical order. Thirty-three of the words in this list exactly fit the definitions given, and thirty-three are not suitable. On the line before the appropriate word in this list, write the number substituted for the word in the definition.

The first three definitions are correctly marked. The word, indicated by (1), omitted from the first definition is "inch," so the figure 1 is placed before that word in the list. From the second definition, the word "biology" has been omitted, so the figure 2 is placed before that word in the list. The third definition is also answered accordingly.

  • An (1) is an English linear measure, customary in the United States, the twelfth part of a foot.
  • (2) is the science of life or living organisms; the study of living matter.
  • The projecting lower edges of a roof are (3).
  • The son of one's wife by a former husband, or of one's husband by a former wife, is a (4).
  • An (5) is a word used to limit or qualify the application of a noun or a nominal phrase.
  • A woman who marries a widower, he having a child by his former wife, becomes (6) to such child.
  • (7) is that branch of mathematical analysis which reasons about quantity by the use of letters and generalized symbols.
  • (8) is the overthrow of one government and the substitution of another.
  • A (9) is a word used as the name of a thing, quality or action.
  • The (10) system is built up of a number of organs, such as the stomach, liver, or pancreas, each of which performs a definite function.
  • A (11) is a cord-like structure composed of delicate filaments by which sensations or stimulative impulses are transmitted to and from the brain or other organs.
  • A substance composed of, or produced by the union of, two or more elements is a (12).
  • The (13) is a measure of capacity or volume, being properly the fourth part of a gallon, or the eighth part of a peek, but differing considerably in size in different localities.
  • The (14) case is that case of a noun used to express the direct object of a verb.
  • (15) is the science that treats citizenship, and of the relations between citizens and the government.
  • An (16) is a structural member of architecture to span space, usually curved, and made up of separate, wedge-shaped solids.
  • A quantity of fixed value in a mathematical calculation is known as a (17).
  • (18) is the science that treats plants with reference to their structure, functions, development, analysis, nomenclature, and classification.
  • A (19) is one of the opaque bodies of the solar system that revolve around the sun as their center of motion.
  • accusative
  • adjective
  • adverb
  • algebra
  • allopathy
  • arch
  • atom
  • 2biology
  • black
  • bond
  • botany
  • cause
  • cellulose
  • circulatory
  • civics
  • composition
  • compound
  • constant
  • cornet
  • dative
  • deduction
  • digestive
  • 3eaves
  • economics
  • effect
  • element
  • flute
  • foot
  • geology
  • geometry
  • history
  • homoeopathy
  • hydrogen