Page:Scoundrel Will's advice to his sons.pdf/11

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On you we keep an anxious cye,
And see you never out the fry,
Sometimes about the beasts ye buy,
Exchange or sell,
Ye by defending one great lie
A hundred tell.


At deeds like yours our hearts recoil,
And sicken at the projects vile,
Which you gloss o'er in words like oil,
Smooth and paternal;
Conveying preeepts, all the while
Base and infernal.


No wonder neighbours wish you ill,
And fain would see you down the hill;
And you the name of "Scoundrel Will"
At last have gotten;
A name that will continue till
You're dead and rotten.


We do intend, come weal or woe,
By strict integrity to go,
That on our eonduct none may throw
The smallest blame:—
What can tbe world on us bestow
Like a good name?


We cannot dwell on all you've said,
The despicable speech ye made;
But some revolting tricks ye played
We will not pass,
That would of common thieves degrade
The lowest elass


It seems, from the discourse we got,
You and your colleagues are a lot
Of downright knaves, who daily plot
To drivo a trade
Of eramming bargains down folk's throat
They never made.