Page:Scoundrel Will's advice to his sons.pdf/12

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How can ye stand before a court,
And there with truth and justiee sport;
If any misereants can resort
To what you tell ;
There cannot be a blacker sort
Of fiends in h-ll.


The loopy thimble-rigging squad,
Whom law condemns, are not so bad
As you, the paragons of fraud,
Who mankind gnaw,
And strut about, well fed and clad,
Defying law.


With robbers on the Queen's highway,
Mcn may get something like fair play:
They may retreat, or keep at bay,
In self-defence;
But with you rascals, where have they
The smallest chance?


There's simple Symon down the gate,
You dragg'd him to the eourt of late;
A cow you swore he sold you at
Half-price when fou;
Though all a lie, yet what of that?
You got the cow.


A baker oncc to court you brought
For wheat returned, you said was bought.
Sample and stock compared, he thought
Did not agree;
Though he was right, yet that was nought,
You won the plea.


With grief and pain, the truth to state.
You wronged the man, though he was beat;
He had, for sending back the wheat,
Occasion ample:
Yet ye maintained he was the cheat,
And ehanged the sample.