Page:Scoundrel Will's advice to his sons.pdf/7

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This is the way that I have wrought,
And all my worldly battles fought,
That ye should get the meals ye ought,
And elaes ye need,
And ne'cr to poverty be brought,
And beg your bread.


Wha gcts of worldly gear a slice,
Must close his hand as firm's a vice,
And have a heart as eauld as ice,
Besides a head
That can sec all things in a triee
Clear as a bcad.


Drinking resist, as far's yc can,
That nobody may you trcnan;
Take mankind all to be clan
Of rogues togcther:
Never forgct the simple man
'S the beggar's brother.


My sons, as politics are kittle,
Say nought about them, think as little;
Be subject aye; ne'er mind a spittle
Wha wears the crown;
Leave statesmen state affairs to settle,
Mind ye your own.


The timc is drawing nigh, no doubt,
When ye'll for wives be looking out;
But, gudesake! never think about
Wives that are bonnie;
Be all of you on the pursuit
Of wives with money.


Although their cheeks arc like the rose,
Their lips like eherrics, eyes like sloes,
And bosoms like the mountain snows,
On no pretenee
Should you presume to even those
To pounds and pence.