Page:Scoundrel Will's advice to his sons.pdf/8

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Let flaunting beauty ne'er hoodwink
Your understandings, learn to think
Beauty skin-deep but lasts a blink,
A thing ideal;
Whereas, the solid sterling elink
Is something real.


They must be void of sense or thought
Who marry women having nought:—
Wives, and wives friends, have often brought
Men to the door;
They are, at least, a d———d down draught
If they be poor.


Who—g is bad, I'll not deny;
Yet wh—s may do to put you bye,
Till each of you has fixed an eye
Upon a lass,
Blessed with the eharms the wise envy—
The eharms of brass.


Now, to eonelude:—I recommend
Striet piety; at least, pretend;
And constantly the kirk attend
On Sabbath day;
And morn and night at your fire-end
Sing psalms and pray.


Suppose you swindle, lie, and cheat,
And praetiee every low deeeit,
At making cash you will be beat
In many ways,
If you at ehureh desert your seat
On Sabbath days.


'Tis much your interest here to pass
Among the douse religious class;
The kirk-attender always has
A most prodigious
Advantage o'er the stupid ass
Who's not religious.