Page:Serious thoughts for the living.pdf/17

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( 17 )

ing the glad tidings of free ſalvation!—Be ſhut, my ears, reſolutely ſhut, againſt the malevolent whiſpers of ſlander, and the contagious breath of filthy talking; but be ſwift to hear the inſtructions of wiſdom, be all attention, when your Redeemer ſpeaks; imbibe the precious truths and convey them carefully to the heart.—Carry me my feet, to the temple of the Lord; to the beds of the ſick, and houſes of the poor—May all my members, devoted entirely to my divine Maſter, be the willing inſtruments of promoting his glory.

Then, ye embalmers, you may ſpare your pains: theſe works of faith, and labours of love; theſe ſhall be my ſpices and perfumes. Enwrapped in theſe, I would lay me gently down and ſleep ſweetly in the bleſſed Jesus; hoping that God will "give commandment of concerning my bones;" and one day fetch them up from the duſt, as ſilver from the furnace, purified, "I ſay not, ſeven times, but ſeventy times ſeven."

Reſurrection! that chearing word eases my mind of an anxious thought, and ſolves a moſt momentous queſtion. I was going to aſk, "Wherefore do all theſe corpſes lie here, in this abject condition? Is this their final ſtate? Has death conquered? and will the tyrant hold captivity captive? How long wilt thou forget them, O Lord? For ever?——"No, saith the voice from