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heaven, the word of divine revelation; The righteous are all "priſoners of hope." There is an hour (an awful ſecret that, and known only to all-foreſeeing wiſdom) an appointed hour there is, when an act of grace will paſs the great ſeal above, and give them an univerſal diſcharge, a general delivery from the abodes of corruption.—Then ſhall the Lord Jesus deſcend from heaven, with the ſhout of the archangel, and the trump of God. Deſtruction itſelf ſhall hear his call, and the obedient grave give up her dead. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, they ſhake off the ſleep of ten thouſand years, and ſpring forth, like the bounding rое, "to meet their Lord in the air."

And, O! with what cordial congratulations, what tranſporting endearments, do the ſoul and body, thoſe affectionate companions, re-unite! But with how much greater demonſtrations of kindneſs, are they both received by their compaſſionate Redeemer! The Ancient of days, who comes in the clouds of heaven, is their friend, their father, their bridegroom. He comes with irreſiſtible power, and infinite glory. But they have nothing to fear from his majeſtic appearance. Thoſe tremendous ſolemnities, which ſpread deſolation and aſtoniſhment through the univerſe, ſerve only to inflame their love, and heighten their hopes. The Judge, the awful Judge, amidſt all his