Page:Sermon preached by Mr. James Rows (sic), in St. Geil's Kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the name of Pockmanty preaching.pdf/1

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A SERMON Preached by Mr. James Rows, ſometime Miniſter at Strowan, in St. Geil's Kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the Name of Pockmanty Preaching.

Jeremiah Chap. 30. Verſe 17.For I will reſtore health to thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds faith the LORD, becauſe they called thee an Out caſt, ſaying, This is Zion whom no Man Seeketh after.

I Need not trouble you much who is meant by Zion here, ye all ken it, it is the poor Kirk of Scotland, for the Kirk of Scotland is wounded in her Head, in her Hands, in her Feet, and in her Heart.

Firſt in her Head, in the Government. 2dly. In her Hands, in the Diſcipline. 3dly. In her Heart, as in the Doctrine. 4thly. In her Feet, as in the Worſhip.

Firſt, The Kirk of Scotland is wounded in her Head, ſhe has gotten ſik a Claſh in her Head, as has gart all her Harns jaap, and her Senſes, that is, her Senſe of Seeing; for the Kirk of Scotland wald a ſeen als well as any Chriſtian Kirk in the wide Warld, but now ſhe cannot diſtinguiſh between white and black; For bring but Pepery before her, and ſhe cannot diſcern between that and the true Religion.

Secondly, She is wounded inhber Hearing : The Kirk of Scotland cou'd a Heard and Diſtinguished, but ſen theOrgans were brought in, ſhe has grown as Deaff as a Door Nail.

Thirdly, The Kirk of Scotland cou'd a ſmelt as well as any Kirk in the Warld, but the Kirk of Rome ſmelt ſo ſtrangely, that ſhe could a tald you, ſhe ſmell'd of the Whore of Babel; but now
