Page:Sermon preached by Mr. James Rows (sic), in St. Geil's Kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the name of Pockmanty preaching.pdf/2

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bring the ſlinkeneſt Pepery to the Kirk of Scotland and it will ſmell to her as ſweet as an Apple: Now poor Spectacle! we have ſeen her Hands, and her fare Legs; A woful Object; pity her if ye will What ſay ye to the Cureing of her Senſes; but ſome will tell, ſhe is in as good a Caſe as ever she was. I'le tell you how ſae,

Firſt, The Kirk of Scotland ſees better than ever ſhe did before, the Kirk ofScotlandſaw her Miniſters in good little ſhort Cloaks, with black Velvet Necks. and their little Cloaks turned mae Sauls to God, nor ever the lang Gowns did; but ye ſhall ſee the Prideful Prelats harld up and down the Town in Coaches, as in as 'many muck Carts, that is a bra ſight indeed.

Secondly, The Kirk of Scotland Taſtes better than ever ſhe did, and how ſae? ſ'le tell you, a good Miniſter wald a been content of a Diſh o plain Milk and Bread, humble Meat indeed! but our Prelats now, will have a Lick of the beſt of it: So ye ſee the Kirk of Scotland Taſtes better than ever ſhe did, and I have done with her Senſes.

Now, I'le tell you, how ſhe is wounded in her Hands, and that I call the Diſcipline of the Kirk. For

Firſt, They Flightered the Kirk of Scotland ye ken well they uſe to Flighter Thieves and Run aways; the Kirk of Scotland was baith.

1ſt. She was a Runaway, and that was the Glorious time of Reformation, when ſhe cam clear away frae Rome, and hard did they follow her, and fain wald they been at her, but an they had gotten their will, ſhe wald a been ſur of her Ladetties, or to ſpeak more plainly of her Dichells, but GOD be thanked they did not oretake her.
