Page:Sermon preached by Mr. James Rows (sic), in St. Geil's Kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the name of Pockmanty preaching.pdf/6

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his Text ſae well that he could a tald it baith in Latine and Scots, Quid mihi dabitis & ego Tradum illum? what will ye give me and I will betray him? There was a Good: Man ſitting at the Foot of the Poupit, wha ſtanding up looking in his Face, ſaid, Marie and give you a good Fat Biſhoprick, and then I am ſure ye will betray him, ſay ye lae; Wha has Betrayed the Kirk of Scotland? I need not tell you, but the Kirk of Scotland was once an Bonnie Kirk, and a Bonnie Grammar School, and well ye wat, ſhe hadSkill in Regimen & Concordantia, and could a made a peice of Bonnie Latine, and for every thing ſhe was forced to da Regulam, and when ſhe offended ſhe was ſure of Pande Manum; But afterward: when ſhe went to the College the had mair Liberty, and firſt of all ſhe begin to Rhetorick, but inſteed of proper ſpeaking ſhe Learned nothing but Hyperboles and Allegories, then ſhe came into the Logick, and inſtead of true Demonſtrations ſhe Learned nothing but Hamonimaes and Captiosa Sylogiſms, afterwards the came to Aethicks, but ſhe did not trouble her ſelf meikle with them, but Studied the Politicks; and that fae well, that ſhe turned all Religion into Meer flat Policy: For Metaphyſicks the kens they are Ens, and taat muſt be unum, verum, bonum, and that all theſe threr muſt be in true Religions, but this too high Theme for her, wherefore ſhe studied more th(illegible text) Phyſicks and turned all into Materia prima, and made it ſelf capable of any form they pleaſed to Impoſe upon us.

After he had done with Sermon and Prayer then ſtood he up to give the Bleſſing, and there after said as follows.