Page:Sermon preached by Mr. James Rows (sic), in St. Geil's Kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the name of Pockmanty preaching.pdf/5

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Kirk, when ye heard the Peltrie-Stuff that came frae them. Ye have heard many times Brethren (Compared together ) the Kirk and our Lord Jeſus, for he is the Head, and the Kirk is the Body, and that our Saviour ere he entered the Miniſtry he was carryed by Lucifer (God ſave us) to the Wilderneſs where he was tempted of the Meikle Devil, then he was Rejected and let light of by all; But as ſoon as he began to work his Miracles, he was carried up to Jeruſalem in Triumph, there was nothing in their Mouths then, but Hoſanna's, Bleſt is he that comes in the Name of the Lord, but the next News that they heard, in they cıme with Halbarts and Jethard Stalves frae the High Prieſt to Apprehend him ; Juſt ſae is it with the poor Kirk of Scotland, for this Year bygain ſhe has ſitten Defolate and in the Wilderneſs contemned, nothing cared for by Man, and now is the Glorious Day, ſhe is Ryding in Triumph to Jeruſalem, brinow there is nothing in all Mouths but Hoſanna's, but take heed when they come with Swords and Stalves frae the High Prieſt, that ſome do not with Peter ſhaw a pair of Heels and forſake her.

They have not only made an Aſs of the Kirk of Scotland but they have betrayed her, ye ken wha betrayed our Saviour, they betrayed him that were ſilent in ſae good a Cauſe, they betrayed him that accuſed him that Judged him, they betrayed him that forſook him; but where will ye find the falſe Judas all the while? and now I'le tell you a nad Tale, I dare not ſay it is true, but ye ſhall have it as I have it; When I was a little Boy at the School, there was a Hopeful Theologue, wha is now na (illegible text)imall Man in the Land, and being to Preach the Every ſame Words of Judas, What will ye give me and I will betray him? The young Man Learned
