company us all through life, encouraging us in tHe practice of virtue and again going down after us into the abyss of sin and dragging us back even from the brink of hell. In the ups and downs of life He is with us through it all, even to our last breath, for Christ promised to send the Paraclete, who would abide with us all days, even to the consummation of the world.
Brethren, we believe there are three persons in God and that the favors each has conferred on us are inestimable, but is that enough? The devils in hell believe, but what doth it profit them? Ah! what will it profit us to have known the Father, if we prove rebellious sons? To have known the Son, if, like another Cain, we murder by our vices, Christ, our Brother? To have known the Holy Ghost, if, like ingrates, we turn from Him to follow the demon of sin? Oh, it were ten thousand times better for us never to have known this truth, than after we have known it to neglect to conform our lives to the faith that is in us. Faith without good works is dead, aye, worse than dead, for it makes the sinner more responsible and consequently more guilty in the sight of God. Of him to whom much is given much shall be expected. " Have faith and fear not," is the cry of the whole Christian world outside the Catholic Church, but that is not the way of the Catholic Church. No, nor of Christ her Founder, for from Him she has received her commission not only to teach all nations the mystery of one God in three persons; not only to make known to them the merci-