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ful works done by each person in our behalf — the works of creation, redemption and sanctification, but also to teach men to observe all things whatsoever Christ has commanded. So there, in brief, is the whole system of man's salvation, the Trinity above directing all— «God's Church and her ministers on earth teaching her children, by sermons and instructions, what they must believe, and showing them by example what they must do to be saved, and finally the great throng of God's people, bound to accept God's revealed truths, and so shape their lives in accordance with them, that they may one day be among the blessed who have both heard the word of God and kept it. Brethren, are we doing all this? Am I living the life and doing the work of a faithful minister of God? Are you doing your whole duties as children of God and heirs of heaven? Alas and alack, are we not each individually and all together one grand colossal spiritual failure, with only one , consolation for the present, only one hope for the future — the thought that the Trinity loved us from the beginning, loves us now, and will continue to love us without end in eternity? But if the thought of God's infinite love and goodness to us tails to excite us to do something in honor of the Trinity and in return for the blessings they have bestowed on us, let this other thought sink deeply into our minds, that the day will infallibly come for you, aye, and for me too, when we shall stand in the presence of that Trinity to give an account of our stewardship — I, if I have faithfully by word and example taught Christ's