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( 61 )

Enter Frederick holding Constantia by one Arm, and Courtall with the other.

Fred. By your leave Gentlemen, I must expostulate this matter a little farther. One of you has injur'd me, but the Devil take me if I can tell which 'tis.

Cons. If you don't know your own Enemies, I don't know how we should.

Fred. to Cons. Pray, Sir, is not your name Courtall.

Cons. No, Sir.

Fred. to Court. Did you never make Love to my Sisters?

Court. Not I, Sir, I vow to Gad, but if you have a Sister Sir, that has any urgent occasions——

Cons. You need not press us, we are Gentlemen——

Court. And will be Volunteers in a Ladies Service.

Fred. Damme', this Trick won't pass—what are you? Men or Devils?

Cons. Not Men, Sir, I assure you——

Fred. Then I will so Conjure your Devilships.

Fred. draws, Courtall and Constantia draw.

Cons. Whatsoever we are, we are two to one Sir.

Fred. One after another Gentlemen is fair.

Cons. Your Pardon, Sir, if you attack us, we must defend our selves.

Enter Bellamour.

Fred. (seeing Bell.) Say you so, then here comes a Friend to set that matter right; you shall be marcht I promise you; one of you must be the Man I look for, but since neither will Confess, let both suffer.

Goes up to Bellamour, salute and whisper.

Court. (to Cons.) Sister, make your escape and leave me to the brunt; avoid the Peril, or resolve to discover your self.

Cons. What, leave my Friend in danger? Fie, I'll bring of all yet.
