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( 62 )

Bell. (to Fred.) I confess, Sir, I came hither on an Errand of my own, of the same kind; however, be pleas'd to dispatch, I know not how to refuse the Office you desire.
(aside) Dam'nd Customs of Honour, that expose us to the Quarrels of every body, as if our own were too few.

(they advance.

Fred. Well, Gentlemen, now we shall try your mettle upon the square.

Cons. Ha, ha, ha, why Frederick—ha, ha, ha, what! Draw upon a Woman—upon your Mistress too—for shame—you a Man, ha ha.

Fred. Hey Day! Upon a Woman! Upon my Mistress! what the Devil is all this!

Cons. Love they say is blind, have Lovers too no Eyes? Is it possible, that you cannot discover Constantia thro' any Disguise?

Fred. Constantia!

Cons. Yes, dull Lover; where is now the Sympathy and the instinct, by which you Men are always so ready to find us out? one of us is Constantia.

Bell. (to Fred.) Have you any farther Service to Command me——

Fred. Mr. Bellamour, I am asham'd of the trouble I have given you——

Bell. There needs no Apology——(Exit Bellamour.

Fred. I have heard indeed of so wonderful a resemblance between Constantia and a Twin Brother, that by exchanging of Habits, they have often impos'd upon their very Parents.

Cons. Lay aside your Choler, and we will both go Home with you: Unriddle us, and take us among you.

Fred. With all my Heart, and if I don't find a Sense for that, may all my Senses forsake me.

Cons. Come along then Oedipus.

Riddle me Riddle me re, who finds my Riddle shall have me. (Exeunt.

Aery and Vaunter ty'd down in two Chairs.

Sir J. Aery. O Vaunter, Vaunter! What a miserable Life is a Whoremaster's?
