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Yakútsk, by E. S. In magazine Northern Messenger, Feb., 1891.

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Frántsova. Mikháiel Alexándrovich von Vízin [one of the Decembrist exiles], by — Frántsova. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Nov., 1885.

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G. P. From the History of the Provincial Press. An account of the founding of the Irkútsk newspaper Sibír, by G. P. In magazine Annals of the Fatherland, March, 1881.

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Khoróshkin [Staff Colonel]. "The Cossack Forces," by Staff Colonel Khoróshkin. St. Petersburg, 1881.

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Kléments [D.]. Preliminary Information with regard to an Excursion in the Districts of Áchinsk and Kansk, by D. Kléments. Bulletin of the East-Siberian Section of Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc. Irkútsk, 1889.

Kólchin [M. A.]. Exiles and Prisoners in the Fortress of the Solovétsk Monastery from the 16th to the 19th Centuries, an historical sketch, by M. A. Kólchin. In historical review Russian Antiquity, Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1887, and Jan. and Feb., 1888.

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Kropótkin [P. A.]. A Journey from the Trans-Baikál to the Amúr by way of Manchuria, by P. A. Kropótkin. In magazine Russian Messenger, June, 1865.

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Látkin [Nikolái]. The Kara Sea, by Nikolái Látkin. In Picturesque Russia, Vol. XI.

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Lúdmer [ Y.]. Crime in the North of Russia, by Y. Lúdmer. In magazine Juridical Messenger, May, 1885.

Lúdmer [Y.]. Prisons, Exile, Crime, and Justice in the Extreme North, by L-dm-r. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Oct., 1883.

Lúdmer [Y.]. Concerning the "Rules Relating to Police Surveillance," by Y. L-dm-r. In magazine Juridical Messenger, Dec, 1882.

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Manuscript. Recollections of a Journey