by Étape, from the Mines of Kará to the City of Yakútsk, by a political convict.
Manuscript. Recollections of my Life at the Mines of Kará, by a political convict.
Manuscript. Report of a Committee of the Ministry of Public Instruction on an Elementary School-book.
Manuscript. "Secret" circular of the Bishop of Yakútsk to the priests in his diocese, instructing them how to treat political exiles.
Manuscript. Circular letter to the governors of East-Siberian provinces and territories, containing instructions with regard to the treatment of political exiles and convicts.
Manuscript. Circular letter of instructions to the governor-general of Eastern Siberia with regard to the correspondence of political exiles and convicts. Ministry of the Interior, June 14, 1878.
Manuscript. List of names of 985 political offenders, exiled, imprisoned, or hanged in the reigns of Alexander II. and Alexander III., most of them between 1875 and 1884.
Manuscript. List of names of 661 political exiles in Siberia, with their ages, professions, and places of banishment.
Manuscript. Official report of the examination of the political offender Constantine Niustróyef, in his trial by court-martial at Irkútsk, Oct. 31, 1883, for striking Governor-general Anúchin.
Manuscript. Petition of the political exile Vassíli Sidorátski to the Governing Senate.
Manuscript. An account of the condition of affairs in Russia at the beginning of revolutionary activity, by a political convict.
Manuscript. Account of Madame Kutitónskaya's attempt to assassinate General Ilyashévich, governor of the Trans-Baikál. Her own statement.
Manuscript. Memorial of Dr. Martínof, an exiled physician, protesting against his arrest and imprisonment for leaving his place of exile to go to the relief of a wounded peasant.
Manuscript. Program of the party of the Will of the People.
Manuscript. Letter from the revolutionary executive committee to Alexander III. after the assassination of Alexander II.
Manuscript. Bulletin of the Society for the Relief of Political Exiles and Prisoners. [Hektographed.] Russia, 1886.
Manuscript. List of names of 83 Russian authors imprisoned or exiled since the year 1800.
Manuscript. Narrative of a journey under arrest from Eastern Siberia to St. Petersburg, by an exiled lady.
Manuscript. Narrative of the "long hunger-strike" of Mesdames Kavaléfskaya, Kutitónskaya, Róssikova, and Bogomólets, in the Irkútsk prison.
Manuscript. Ticket-of-leave, or traveling pass, given by an isprávnik to a political exile in Eastern Siberia.
Manuscript. Official letter in answer to a petition from Madame Liubóvets asking leave to continue her practice as an accoucheuse notwithstanding her marriage to a political exile. [Permission refused.]
Manuscript. Studies in the history of the development of revolutionary ideas in Russia, by a political convict.
Manuscript. Circular letter from the chief of the prison administration to the governors of the Siberian provinces with regard to the treatment of political exiles.
Manuscript. Order of M. Gálkine Wráskoy to the governor of the island of Saghalín with regard to the treatment of political convicts. [No. 2926, St. Petersburg, March 8, 1888.]
Manuscript. "Secret" report to Alexander II., for the year 1879, by D. T. Anúchin, governor-general of Eastern Siberia.
Manuscript. "Secret" report to Alexander III., for the years 1880 and 1881, by D. T. Anúchin, governor-general of Eastern Siberia.
Manuscript. The life of Alexander Sipóvich [a political suspect slowly done to death in prison], by a Russian lady — not an exile.
Manuscript. The origin and causes of terrorism [with a comparative table showing the dates of particular Governmental acts of injustice or cruelty, and the terroristic attempts provoked by them], by a political convict.
Manuscript. Account of the life of political convicts at the Mines of Kará, by one of them.
Manuscript. Biographical sketch of Ánna Pávlovna Korbá, and report of her speech in her own defense at the time of her trial.
Manuscript. Brief account of the life, trial, and execution of the Irkútsk schoolteacher Constantine Niustróyef, by a lady who knew him.