Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/581

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Krúshchef, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 230-232.
Krutaya, village of, I. 133-136.
Kryzhanófski, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Kukúshka, Gen., II. 153-155.
"Kulaks," II. 499.
Kúmis, my first drink of Kírghis, I. 148.
Kurbátof & Ignátof, contractors for convict transportation, I. 111.
Kurgán, political exiles in, II. 31; emigration from, 460; protest from, exile system, 461, 464.
Kuriér, II. 486.
Kursk Leaflet, II. 493.
Kurteíef, ——, political exile, II. 188, 189.
Kuskúnskaya, my dream at, II. 361-365.
Kusnétsk, prison at, II. 540.
Kutitónskaya, Maria, political exile, II. 216; attempts assassination of Gen. Ilyashévich, 240, 241, 336; imprisonment, sentence, and death of, 241-243, 259; motives of, 244, 245; participator in hunger-strike at Irkútsk, 338.
Kutomárski Zavód, smelting works at, II. 308; mine at, 314, 315.
Kúzin, Sergéi, political exile, II. 261.
Kuznétsk, prison at, II. 540.
Kuznetsóf, ——, political exile, II. 324.
Kuznetsóf, Innokénti, hospitality of, II. 366; supporter of Minusínsk museum, II. 395.
Kuznetsóf, L. P., hospitality of, I. 357-361.
Kviatkóvski, ——, political exile, II. 210.
Laks, Gov., I. 336.
Lamaism, II. 61, 86-94.
Land tenure, I. 66.
Lansdell, Rev. Henry, book of, supposed to be truthful, I. iv; arrest of, 31; statements about convict barges, 297, 298; account of exile system, 303; books distributed by, II. 348; inspection of Tomsk prison, 513.
Last words, II. 445.
"Last Words over the Coffin of Alexander the Second," II. 255.
Lázaref, Egór, political exile, I. 268-270, II. 336, 450.
Lazarets. See Hospitals, Prisons, and their respective names.
Lead mines, I. 281, II. 279, 304.
Leaflet, the Saratóf, II. 493.
Leántief, Blok, political exile, I. 176-178, 183-186, II. 449, 450.
Léna River, I. 58, 60, 266, II. 253, 543.
Leroy-Beaulieu, M., II. 505.
Léschern, Madam, political exile, attempted suicide of, II. 236, 240.
Lesévich, ——, political exile, II. 449, 494.
Letters, supervision of exiles'. See Correspondence.
Levchénko, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Liberals, the, class of political exiles, II. 436, 437, 440, 442.
Life, II. 490.
Linóf, M., political exile, II. 20, 24.
Liquor traffic, the, in Siberia, I. 352, 353.
Liskovo, I. 16.
Lisófskaya, Madam, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Lisogúbs, the, II. 501.
Lisogórski, Gov., I. 271, II. 48-51.
Listók, the St. Petersburg, II. 488.
Lístvinichnaya, village of, II. 65-67.
Litkin, Mr., mayor of Minusínsk, II. 397.
Litófski Zámok, prison, II. 429.
"Little Russian Marseillaise," II. 337.
Liústig, Ferdinand, political exile, II. 9-11.
Livandófskaya, sisters, political exiles, I. 259-261.
Lobonófski, Mr., political exile, I. 173-176, 178-182, II. 54, 450.
Lokhvítski, ——, Russian author, II. 466.
Lombroso, Prof., anthropological study of Russian terrorists, II. 454, 455.
Lómi, stop at, II. 136.
Lopátin, ——, Russian political exile, II. 436.
Loris-Mélikof, administration of, I. 246, 258, 272, II. 21, 208, 210, 325; attempt to assassinate, 444; biographical sketch of, cited, 452; address of Moscow liberals to, 484.
Louisiana, convict death-rate in, I. 100.
Lower Diggings, penal settlement at Kará, II. 138-144; erection of new prison at, 223; administration of prison under Major Pótulof, 225-236; political prisoners brought back to, 237; brutality at, 237-240; hunger-strike at, 238-240. See also Kará.
Lunatics, care of, II. 228, 285.
Lúnin, ——, political exile, II. 288.
Lúshnikof, Mr., II. 102; hospitality of, 104, 105, 112-116.
M——, C——, flogging of Madam Sigída defended by, II. 271, 272.
Máchtet, Gregórie, political exile, II. 50, 436, 441, 450, 494.
Máchtet, Heléne, political exile, II. 450.
Macmillan's Magazine, II. 431.
Magazines, warned, suspended, suppressed, quoted, etc. See their names, and Press, Censorship of the.
Maidán, the, I. 390.
Maidánshchik, the, II. 358, 359.
Maidánski, ——, crime of, I. 259.
Máidera, image of, II. 90.
Maiéfski, Capt., hospitality of, I. 200-205, 228, 229.