Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/582

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Maimáchin, town of, II. 61, 101, 102, 104, 105, 107-112, 114, 116.
Makaréfski, Alexéi, political exile, II. 25.
Makárovo, a wakeful night at, II. 283, 284.
Makófski, C. F., chief of police at Irkútsk, II. 3, 4, 6-11, 13-15, 17-19, 350.
Makovétski, Mr., visit to, I. 176.
Maláfski, ——, political exile, escape of, II. 553.
Malaksiánof, ——, father of Madam Hope Sigída, II. 268.
Malávski, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237.
Malíuin, Dr., II. 397, 415.
Mámin, Sibiriák, political exile, II. 450, 494.
Mammoth, discovery of a supposed, II. 114.
Manáief, ——, administration at Kara, II. 260; banishment of, 260.
Manganese mines, I. 35.
Marínsk, crime in, II. 463, 464; prison at, 538, 540, 541.
Márkova, I. 50.
Martiánof, N. M., Siberian naturalist, I. 327; II. 388-394, 397, 402, 404, 405, 415.
Martínof, Dr. Serge V., political exile, II. 407-412.
Martínof, Mrs., brutality of police to, II. 410-412.
Masiúkof, Lieut.-col., in command of political prisons at Kará, II. 264-266.
Máslof, ——, political exile, escape of, from Minusínsk, II. 401, 402.
"Materials for the Study of the Legal Customs of the Kírghis," II. 449.
Matvéivich, ——, political exile, insanity of, II. 259.
Maxímof, S., Russian author, I. 77, 255, 384, II. 148, 158, 159, 280.
Meísner, Iván, political exile, II. 261; flogging of, II. 262.
Melville, Lieut., survivor of the Jeannette, II. 105.
"Memorandum Book of the Province of Tobólsk," II. 461.
Memphis Daily Commercial, II. 535.
Mengart, Paul, father of Madam Korbá, II. 245.
Meshchérski, Prince, opposition to Tomsk University, I. 286.
Messenger of the Will of the People, II. 30, 184.
Mézzentsef, Gen., plot to assassinate, II. 188.
Middle Kará, transfer of prisoners from political prison of Lower Diggings to, 233-235; solitary-confinement cells at, II. 332. See also Kará.
Mikháiel, our guide in the Altai, I. 209, 211.
Mikhaiélis, ——, political exile, II. 436, 449.
Mikháilofski, N. K, political exile, II. 436, 440-442, 494.
Milinchúk, Mr., political exile, I. 240.
Miller, Prof. Orest, prohibited from public speaking, II. 440.
Minakóf, ——, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 232.
Mines, permission to inspect, I. v; development of, in Siberia, 76. See also their respective names.
Minister of the Interior. See Interior, Minister of.
Minusínsk, place of exile of Prince A. Kropótkin, I. 327-330; museum at, 327, 328. II. 386, 389-395; arrival at, 385; the town of, 386 et seq.; first skirmish with police in, 405-407; mailing precious papers from, 413-415; leave for Tomsk, 415; prison at, 540.
Minúta, II. 489, 492, 493.
Mirskói Tolk, II. 488.
Mississippi, River, compared with the Vólga, I. 14, 15.
Mississippi, State, convict death-rate in, I. 100, II. 535.
"Modern Russia," II. 431, 436.
Mongolia, frontier of, I. 58.
Moody and Sankey hymns forbidden in Russia, II. 492.
Mordóftsef, ——, Russian author, objectionable work by, II. 494.
Morénis, Fanny, political exile, II. 336.
Moscow, preliminary excursion to, I. iv; arrival at, 5; krémlin of, 10; visit to, II. 428; liberals in, 441.
Moscow Gazette, I. 3, 5, II. 486, 489, 493.
Moscow Telegraph, II. 484-486.
Mosquitos, I. 70, 71, 139, 362.
Muíshkin, Hypolyte, political exile, attempt to escape, II. 230-232; career of, 249, 251-258; execution of, 258.
Múkhinskoe, post-station of, II. 72.
Muravióf, Gen., "the hangman," II. 174.
Múromtsef, Prof. S. A., expelled from Moscow University, II. 440.
Murray, Grenville, sensational pictures of convict life, II. 307.
Mutilation, I. 74, 75.
Muzikálni Mir, II. 489.
N——, Iván, political exile, I. 262, 263.
Nabliudátel, II. 486, 490.
Naked command, the, II. 332.
Names, exchanging, among convicts, I. 290, 291, 394-396, II. 547.
Nashville Weekly Banner, I. 101.
Nature, I. 61.
Necháief, ——, political offender, II. 435, 442.
Nediélia, II. 488, 489.
Nekrasof, ——, Russian poet, II. 256, 505.
Némerof, ——, hospitality of, II. 330, 331; police inspection of letter from, 341.
Nérchinsk, silver mines of, I. 76, II. 278-318; corruption at, 220, 221; town of, 320-325; prison at, 532, 533, 541, 542, 546.