Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/583

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Nérchinski Zavód, founding of, II. 279; visit to, 319.
Nésterof, Mr., mining engineer at Algachí, II. 290, 297, 298, 301-304, 307.
Nesterófski, N. J., hospitality of, I. 39-45.
New Siberia, I. 61.
Newspapers, warned, suspended, suppressed, quoted, etc. See their names, and Press, Censorship of the.
New York, departure from, I. 1; compared with Nízhni Nóvgorod, 6; return to, II. 429.
New York Tribune, II. 254.
Nicholas, Emperor, exile during reign of, I. 255; punishment for literary men, 268; attempts to obtain constitution from, II. 129, 130.
Night-watchmen, I. 45, 152-154.
Nihilism, definitions of, II. 431.
Nihilist, the word, II. 433-436, 504-506.
Nihilists, first ideas concerning, I. iv, 171, 174; modification of my opinions, 177; facts about, 179, 186, 187; an exile's description of, 179; American ideas concerning, 186, 187; search for my ideal, 234; Capt. Makófski's opinions of, II. 17; character of, 430 et seq.
Nikífer, ——, our guide towards Kará, II. 135.
Nikítina, Sophia, political exile, I. 275; death of, II. 524.
Nikolái, our guide in the Altái, I. 209, 211.
Nikoláivsk, prison at, II. 546.
Nikólin, Capt., in charge of women's prison at Ust Kará, II. 144, 150; difficulties presented by his presence at Kara, 169-172, 174-183; proposes to search our baggage, 197; administration at Kará, 259, 260; our suspicions of, 330.
Nile, River, compared with the Vólga, I. 15.
Nineteenth Century, I. 258.
Nízhni Nóvgorod, first impressions of, I. 5, 6; aspects of the city, 6-14; commercial aspect of, 6-9, 12-14; compared with New York, 6; fair-city of, 6-15; shipping at, 8, 13, 14; old city of, 9-14; krémlin of, 10, 15; second-hand shops of, 12; Siberia's contributions to fair at, 105; visit to, II. 428.
Nízhni Tagíl, railroad station at, I. 33, 34.
Nízhni Údinsk, prison at, II. 546.
Nord, Col., messenger from Empress Dagmár to Véimar, II. 204.
North Carolina, convict death-rate in, I. 100, II. 536.
"Notes from a House of the Dead," I. 144.
Notóvich, Mr., Russian editor, imprisonment of, II. 492.
Nóvgorod Listók, II. 486.
Nóvikof, Col., opinion of Véimar's case, II. 202; opinions of political exiles, 244, 245, 442; opinion of Kará prison, 331-334; opinion of Madam Dubróva, 376, 377.
Nóvoe Vrémya, II. 269, 270, 493, 536.
Nóvosti, II. 249, 485, 487-490, 492, 493.
Nóvo Zaímskaya, sojourn at, I. 126.
Ob, River, I. 5, 285, II. 510, 515; exile route on the, I. 83; fisheries and commerce of, 105; route to Eastern Siberia, 120.
Óblast, meaning of the term, I. 140.
Obózes, I. 49.
Odéssa Listók, II. 484, 486.
Odéssa Messenger, II. 493.
Official Messenger, II. 489.
"Official Year Book," I. 323.
Officials, corruption among, II. 156.
Óka River, I. 5, 6, 9.
Ókrug, meaning of the term, I. 138.
Om River, I. 142.
Omsk, arrival at, I. 139; description of the city, 140; departure from, 144; political exiles in, II. 31; imprisonment of Dostoyéfski at, 275; return to, 418;

prison at, 538.

"On the Volga there is a Cliff," prohibited song, II. 337, 342, 444.
Onward, II. 209.
Orchids, Siberian, I. 103.
Orenburg, protest from, against Siberian exile, II. 458.
Orfánof, M. I., Russian author, I. 374, 384, II. 124, 125, 158, 159, 529, 535, 536.
"Origin of the Wealth of the Románofs," II. 286.
Orlóf, Paul, political exile, brutal treatment of, II. 233; immured for life at Schlusselburg, 237.
Orozhánni, nomad tribe near Kará, II. 276, 277.
Orthography, Russian, I. viii, ix.
Órzhefski, Gen., chief of gendarmes, II. 429.
Órzheshkó, Dr., surgeon of Tomsk prison, I. 294, 295, 318-320, II. 519, 521.
Ossínskis, the, II. 501.
Óstrog, meaning of the term, I. 142.
Ovchínnikof, ——, punished for printing prayer-books illegally, II. 491.
Overcrowding, I. 84, 92, 96, 97, 102, 309, 310, 312-320, 383, 384, II. 16, 124, 127, 144, 147, 148, 159, 372, 514, 517-523, 543.
Padarózhnaya, functions of, I. 122.
Paivtsóf, Col., hospitality of, I. 142.
Pall Mall Gazette, II. 510, 512-515, 517, 522, 523.
Pavlodár, prison at, II. 541.
Pávlovski, Mr., introduces us to political exiles, I. 168-176, 186.
Pavóskas, II. 75, 356, 383.
Peanuts in Russia, I. 38, 39.
Pedashénko, Gen., governor of province of Yeniséisk, II. 374, 408, 409.