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you know, I gave them a full briefing.
I'll add because I didn't consider this to be — you know, there was no objective here politically because you can't — in an ordinary election I know from my decades of dealing with U.S. elections that you can't expect the government or the FBI to be of any use in a campaign because the DOJ has rules against law enforcement getting involved in investigations in the middle of a campaign and this was obviously — you know, this obviously became a huge issue.
Anyway, because it wasn't really part of the project in my mind I didn't really ask a lot of questions about these meetings. I didn't ask who he met with, I didn't ask, you know, much of anything, but he did tell me that he gave —
Q. Before we get to that, which I do want to hear, I just want to get a sense of the chronology.
A. Sure.
Q. So when did that — you had said the FBI then came back and contacted Mr. Steele?
A. That's my understanding.
Q. When did that, to the best of your knowledge, take place?
A. Mid to late September.