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Page 173

Q. So in that intervening time period Mr. Steele continues his research, he also continues to provide you with memos?

A. Yes.

Q. And at no point in that time between July — the first week of July when he first met with the FBI and then mid to late September did you suggest to him that he should go back to the FBI?

A. Not that I recall. What I would — what I believe I may have said was have you heard anything from the FBI because by then it was obvious there was a crime in progress. So I just was curious whether he'd heard back.

Q. And when you say it was obvious that there was a crime in progress, what specifically are you referencing?

A. Espionage. They were hacking into the computers of Democrats and think tanks. That's a computer crime.

Q. So the thing that was apparent was Russia or somebody had engaged in cyber intrusion and computer crimes?

A. Yes.

Q. So do you know whether or not Mr. Steele was directed — you said you did not direct him or

Alderson Court Reporting