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not American citizens?

A. Were either of the clients on this —

MR. LEVY: Clients on which project?


Q. Were any clients on the Trump research not American citizens?

A. I don't mind answering that if that's okay. They're domestic clients.

MR. FOSTER: You said earlier that the information that you gather in your work is owned by the client, it's not owned by you, and so therefore you also referenced your nondisclosure agreements and that you felt like if you had information that related to national security or law enforcement that the nondisclosure agreement did not prevent you from disclosing that information to third parties. Is that a fair summary?

MR. LEVY: Wait. You said a lot there. Which third parties are you talking about?

MR. FOSTER: Well, to law enforcement.

MR. LEVY: I think he's answered this already. You're asking him whether it was permittable under his contractual obligations to report a crime to the national security community,

Alderson Court Reporting