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and he said yes, it's fine for him to do that.

MR. FOSTER: Right. I'm trying to summarize the previous answer as a premise to my next question. Is that an accurate summary of what you said before?

MR. LEVY: Summarizing testimony is dangerous after he's given nine hours of it. If you want to ask him a question, ask him a question.

MR. FOSTER: Is there a specific provision in your NDA that provides an exception for disclosure to law enforcement or intelligence agencies?

MR. LEVY: I think he earlier didn't talk about the contract, but if you want to talk about it as a matter of practice what your understanding is, go ahead.

MR. SIMPSON: I don't know.

MR. FOSTER: My colleague Ms. Sawyer asked you earlier about public reports that the initial client on the Trump work was a Republican and that it's also been publicly reported that later there was another client who was a supporter of Hillary Clinton. Are you the source for any of those public reports?

MR. LEVY: A hundred percent of what you were saying was referring to news articles, right.

Alderson Court Reporting