Page:Sims Correspondence 1848.djvu/14

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Montgomery Ala. March 10/48

Rev'd William Jarvis.

Dear Sir. My absence from Montgomery for several days past will explain my silence. I allowed the Doctor to set up and write a letter to Mrs. Jarvis. He was very much fatigued by the effort and did not feel so well for two days afterward, but is now doing well. I have rec'd your two letters dated 1st & 3rd last and am rejoiced that Mrs. Jarvis did not undertake the long and tiresome trip to Montgomery.

I shall take very good care to guard the Doctor against a relapse and will not consent to his leaving here till I am well satisfied that he is strong enough to accomplish the journey home with perfect safety. As I have said before, you may feel perfectly easy about the Doctor's recovery, but you must wait with time and patience for his presence at home. With best wishes for yourself and all the Doctor's friends, I am

Yrs. very truly.
J. Marion Sims.