Page:Sims Correspondence 1848.djvu/15

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Montgomery Ala. March 13/48

Dear Sir.

I write merely to say that the Doctor is getting bravely on. He is drinking his pint of porter a day and thinks it the best medicine yet given him, is setting up occasionally for half an hour at a time & is quite lively & fond of cheerful company. He says that, however pleasant it would be to have Mrs. Jarvis with him, he cannot but feel glad that she did not undertake the journey.

I intend to profit by your suggestion and hold on to him till it will be perfectly safe for him to accomplish the journey home.

Dr. Brigham of Utica N.Y. passed through our place 2 or 3 days ago. I invited him to visit the Doctor. They are old acquaintances and of course were happy in meeting each other.

The Doctor is strong enough to write to you, but I much prefer acting as his amanuensis for fear of his overtaxing his powers as he did last week when he wrote to Mrs. Jarvis.

Very truly yrs.
J. Marion Sims.

Rev'd Wm. Jarvis,