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A Poor half-witted man, named Joſeph whoſe employment was to go on errands and carry parcels, paſſing through London ſtreets one day, heard pſalm-ſinging in the houſe of God; he went into it, having a large parcel of yarn hanging over his ſhoulders. It was Dr. Calamy's church, St. Mary's Aldermanbury. A very well dreſſed audience ſurrounded the Doctor: He read his text from 1 Tim.i.15. This is a faithful ſaying and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to ſave ſinners, of to I am the chieſ. From this he preached, in the cleareſt manner, the ancient and apoſtoli goſpel, the contents of this faithful ſaying viz. That there is eternal ſalvation for the vileſt ſinners, ſolely through the worthineſs of Jeſus Chriſt, the God that made all things "Not many rich, not many noble are called (by this doctrine, ſays the Apoſtle) but God hath choſen the weak things of this world to confound the things that are mighty."

While the elegant part of the congregatioit liſleſſly heard the doctrine, and, if they were ſtruck with any thing at all, it was only with ſome brilliant expreſſion, or well-turned period that dropt from the Doctor, Joſeph, in rags, gazing with aſtoniſhment, never took his eyes from the preacher, but drank in with