eagerneſs all he ſaid. —— Trudging homeward, he was heard thus muttering to himſelf,—— Joſeph never heard this before!——Chriſt Jeſus, the God that made all things, came into the world to ſave ſinners like Joſeph; and this is true, and it is a faithful ſaying.”
Not long after this, Joſeph was ſeized with fever, and was dangerouſly ill. As he toſſed upon his bed, his conſtant language was, Joſeph as the chief of ſinners; but Jeſus Chriſt came into the world to ſave ſinners, and Joſeph loves him for this. His neighbours who came to ſee him, wondered on hearing him always upon this, and only this. Some of the religious oſrt addreſſed him in the following manner: "But what ſay you of your own heart. Joſeph? Is there no token for good about it? No ſaving change there? Have you cloſed with Chriſt, by acting faith upon him?" —— Ah! no; Joſeph has nothing to ſay for himſelf, but that he is he chief of ſinners: yet ſeeing that it is a faithful ſaying, that Jeſus, he who made all things, came into the world to ſave ſinners, why may not Joſeph, after all, be ſaved?"
One man finding out where he had got this doctrine, on which he dwelt ſo uniformly, and with ſo much delight, went and aſked a Dr. Calamy to come and viſit him. He came, but Joſeph was now very weak, and had not ſpoken for ſome time, and though told of the Doctor's arrival, he took no notice of him; but when the Doctor began to ſpeak to him,