will of God, and ſtudying to adorn the doctrine of God, by a life and converſation becoming the goſpel. Joſeph could not now manifeſt his love to God in this way, but he does it by ſhewing love to his people, and that becauſe they were the friends of his Jeſus. When he heard Dr. Calamy's voice, he exclaimed, “O Sir, you are the friend of the Lord Jeſus, whom I heard ſpeak ſo well of Him. and whom I love for what you ſaid of him:" and to this profeſſion of love he added an ſubſtantial proof, in giving to the poor friends of Jeſus all he poſſeſſed in the world.
3. The goſpel is ſufficient to ſupport the mind in the immediate proſpect of death. Joſeph did not comfort himſelf with the thought that he was no worſe than his neighhours, and therefore as God was merciful, he would be ſafe enough. The atonement of Chriſt was the only and excluſive ground of his hope and confidence in the view of death, judgement, and eternity. Being juſtified by faith, he had peace with God through the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, and rejoiced in hope of the glory of God.
STOP. poor ſinner, stop and think,
Before you farther go!
Will you ſport upon the brink
Of everlaſting woe?