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(6) God, and merit his favour. Many go about to eſtabliſh a righteouſneſs of their own, not ſubmitting to the righteouſneſs of God; while others endeavour by their own exertions to make their hearts better, and ſo prepare them for the reception of Chriſt. Joſeph had no idea of ſuch a way of ſalvation. When aſked about his heart, if there was no token of good about it, no ſaving change; "Ah! no: ſaid he, Joſeph can act nothing. ——Joſeph has nothing to ſay for himſelf, but juſt that he is the chief ofſinners," &c.

2. The goſpel produces love to God, and his people. Joſeph had received the word, not as the word of men, but (as it is in truth) the word of God, and it wrought effectually in him believing it. He experienced the truth of the Apoſtle's aſſertion, We love him, becauſe he firſt loved us.—— O pray,' ſays he, 'to that Jeſus for me.——Pray that he may ſave me!——Tell him that Joſeph thinks that he loves him for coming into the world to ſave ſuch ſinners as Joſeph.' Whatever may be ſaid about loving God for what he is in himſelf, it was a ſenſe of the love of Chriſt manifeſted in ſaving ſinners, that firſt attracted his attention, drew forth his warmeſt affections, and occupied all his thoughts. Thus it is with every ſinner ſaved by ſovereign grace. A ſenſe of the love of Chriſt ſhed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit, infallibly produces love, and this is ſhewn by univerſal obedience to the