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AS down in Sally's gardens
Where me and my true love did meet,
As down in Sally's gardens
where I enjoyed her kiſſes ſweet

She bade me take love eaſy,
juſt as the leaves fall from the tree.
But I being 'young and fooliſh,
my love and I could not agree.

my parents was the cruel cauſe
that I did leave my country town,
My parents had the reaſon,
where fancy led me I did roam.

Where I might had ſweet-hearts plenty,
although their portions were but ſmall,
I might had ſweet hearts plenty
if I could but maintain them all

I'll write a letter to my love,
I'll ſeal it with some ſeal of love,
I'll write a letter to my love,
I'll ſend it with ſome turtle dovo.

And if ſhe does not accept of it,
(illegible text) ſend me an anſwer back again,
I never mo(illegible text)be a ſlave
to the fair female ſex again.