I wiſh I were in Germany,
a ſervant to his Majeſty,
I wish I were in Germany,
and my true love along with me.
Where the liquors they are plenty,
and flowing bowels on very ſide,
Hard fortune ſhould never dauton me,
for I am young-young and the world's wide.
The Banks of Claudy.
TWAS on the banks of Claudy I heard a maid com-
Setting forth her lamentation nigh to purling
She ſays I am confined, bound in the bands of love,
All by an Iriſh young weaver, who did inconſtant
It's to my deep vexatiou he to me did expreſs,
As I was ſitting by him upon the verdant graſs,
He ſays fair maid I'm ſorry 'tis for me you grieve,
As I'm engag'd already, your ſuit I can't relieve.
O Johnny, my dear jewel, don't treat me with diſdain,
Nor leave me here behind you in ſorrow to complain,
For if you do forſake me for ever I'm undone,
Quite void of ſhame and danger diſtracted I will run.
Twas on the banks of Claudy my love and did meet
In our private converſation our joys for to complete,
When the pretty feather'd ſongſters their note did
ſweetly ſing
Whilſt in my lover's arms he did me entertain.