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While in ither's arms they lie, down by yon burn side.

Awa', ye rude unfeeling crew, frae yon burn side-
Those fairy scenes are no for you, by yon burn side-
There fancy smooths her theme,
By the sweetly murm’ring stream,
And the rock-lodg'd echoes skim, down by yon burn side.

Now the planting taps are ting’d wi' goud, on yon burn side,
And gloaming draws her foggy shroud on yon burn side,
Far frae the noisy scene,
I'll through the fields alane-
There we'll meet, my ain dear Jean! down by yon burn side.


Air,—"Bruce's Address.

I'm wearing awa, Jean,
Like snaw when its thaw, Jean:
I'm wearing awa
To the land o’ the leal.
There's nae sorrow there, Jean,
There' nae cauld nor care, Jean,
The day is aye fair
In the land o' the leal.

Ye were aye leal and true Jean,
Your tasks ended now, Jean,
And I'll welcome you, Jean,
To the land o’ the leal,