Page:Six popular Scotch songs.pdf/6

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Our bonny bairn's there, Jean,
She was baith gude and fair, Jean,
And we grudg'd her right sair,
To the land o’ the leal.

Oh! dry that tearfu' ee, Jean,
My soul longs to be free, Jean,
And angels wait on me
To the land o' the leal.
Now fare ye weel, my ain Jean,
This warld's care is vain, Jean,
We'll meet and aye be fain
In the land o' the leal.


When the sheep are in the fauld, and the kye a’ at hame,
And a' the warld to sleep are gane;
The waes of my heart fa' in showers frae my ee,
When my gudeman lies sound by me.

Young Jamie lo'ed me weel, and he sought me for his bride,
But saving a crown he had naething beside;
To make that crown a pound, my Jaimie gaed to sea,
And the crown and the pound were baith for me.

He had nae been gone a week but only twa,
When my mither she fell sick, and the cow was stown awa';
My father brake his arm, and my Jamie at the sea,
And auld Robin Gray came a courting to me.