Page:Six popular Scotch songs.pdf/7

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My father couldna' work, and my mither couldna' spin,
I toil'd day and night, but their bread I couldna' win;
Auld Rob maintain’d them baith, and wi' tears in his ee.
Said, Jenny, for their sakes, will ye marry me?

My heart it said nay, I look’d for Jamie back;
But the wind it blew high, and the ship it was a wreck,
The ship it was a wreck, why didna Jenny die?
Any why do I live to say Wae is me?

My father urged me sair, though my mither didna speak,
She look'd in my face till my heart was like to break;
So I gied him my hand, though heart was in the sea,
And auld Robin Gray is gudeman to me.

I hadna been a wife a week but only four,
When sitting sae mournfully at my ain door,
I saw my Jamie's wraith, for I coudna think it he,
Till he said, I'm come back, love, to marry thee.

O sair did we greet, and muckle did we say;
We took but ae kiss, and we tore ourselves away,
I wish I were dead, but I’m no like to die;
And why do I live to sae Wae is me?

I gang like a ghaist, and carena to spin,
I darena think on Jamie, for that wou'd be a sin;
But I'll do my best a gudewife to be,
For auld Robin Gray is kind unto me.