Page:Slavery, a poem.pdf/23

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If, then, thy troubled ſoul has learn'd to dread
The dark unknown thy trembling footſteps tread;
On Him, who made thee what thou art, depend;
He, who withholds the means, accepts the end.
Not thine the reckoning dire of Light abus'd, 205
Knowledge diſgrac'd, and Liberty miſus'd,
On thee no awful judge incens'd ſhall ſit
For parts perverted, and diſhonour'd wit.
Where ignorance will be found the ſureſt plea,
How many learn'd and wiſe ſhall envy thee! 210
And thou, White Savage! whether luſt of gold,
Or luſt of conqueſt, rule thee uncontrol'd!
Hero, or robber!—by whatever name
Thou plead thy impious claim to wealth or fame;
Whether inferior miſchiefs be thy boast, 215
A petty tyrant rifling Gambia's coaſt
