Page:Slavery, a poem.pdf/24

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Or bolder carnage track thy crimſon way,
Kings diſpoſſeſs'd, and Provinces thy prey;
Panting to tame wide earth's remoteſt bound;
All Cortez murder'd, all Columbus found; 220
O'er plunder'd realms to reign, deteſted Lord,
Make millions wretched, and thyſelf abhorr'd;—
In Reaſon's eye, in Wiſdom's fair account,
Your ſum of glory boaſts a like amount;
The means may differ, but the end's the ſame; 225
Conqueſt is pillage with a nobler name.
Who makes the ſum of human bleſſings leſs,
Or ſinks the ſtock of general happineſs,
No ſolid fame ſhall grace, no true renown,
His life ſhall blazon, or his memory crown. 230
Had thoſe advent'rous ſpirits who explore
Thro' ocean's trackleſs waſtes, the far-fought ſhore;
