Page:Slavery, a poem.pdf/27

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On feeling hearts ſhe ſheds celeſtial dew, 265
And breathes her ſpirit o'er th' enlighten'd few;
From ſoul to ſoul the ſpreading influence ſteals,
Till every breaſt the ſoft contagion feels.
She bears, exulting, to the burning ſhore
The lovelieſt office Angel ever bore; 270
To vindicate the pow'r in Heaven ador'd,
To ſtill the clank of chains, and ſheathe the ſword;
To cheer the mourner, and with ſoothing hands
From burſting hearts unbind th' Oppreſſor's bands;
To raiſe the luſtre of the Chriſtian name, 275
And clear the fouleſt blot that dims its fame.
As the mild Spirit hovers o'er the coaſt,
A freſher hue the wither'd landſcapes boaſt;
Her healing ſmiles the ruin'd ſcenes repair,
And blaſted Nature wears a joyous air. 280
