Page:Slavery, a poem.pdf/28

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She ſpreads her bleſt commiſſion from above,
Stamp'd with the ſacred characters of love;
She tears the banner ſtain'd with blood and tears,
And Liberty! thy ſhining ſtandard rears!
As the bright enſign's glory ſhe displays, 285
See pale Oppression faints beneath the blaze!
The giant dies! no more his frown appals,
The chain untouch'd, drops off; the fetter falls.
Aſtoniſh'd echo tells the vocal ſhore,
Oppreſſion's fall'n, and Slavery is no more! 290
The duſky myriads crowd the ſultry plain,
And hail that mercy long invok'd in vain.
Victorious Pow'r! ſhe burſts their two-fold bands,
And Faith and Freedom ſpring from Mercy's hands.