Page:Small Motorised Vehicles (Safety) Act 2020.pdf/13

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(2) To avoid doubt, nothing in this Part limits section 39 of the Land Transport Authority of Singapore Act with respect to an offence under this Act.

Powers of entry, etc., at premises

10.—(1) An authorised officer may, subject to subsection (2), enter and inspect any relevant premises and do all or any of the following:

(a) to examine any thing or observe any activity conducted in or on the premises, including—
(i) to detain any package, box, container or other thing in or on the premises until any person in charge of the package, box, container or thing has opened it for examination and search;
(ii) to mark, lock, seal or otherwise secure the package, box, container or other thing pending examination and search; and
(iii) if the thing appears to be a small motorised vehicle, to order any person in charge of the vehicle to deliver the vehicle (in that state it is found on the date of the order) for weighing or an inspection by a person and at a time and place specified by the authorised officer;
(b) to search the premises and any thing in or on the premises;
(c) to make a still or moving image or recording of the premises and any thing in or on the premises;
(d) to inspect any document in the premises and take extracts from, or make copies of, any such document;
(e) to take into or onto the premises such equipment and materials as the authorised officer requires for the purpose of exercising powers in relation to the premises;
(f) to operate electronic equipment in or on the premises;
(g) to secure a thing for a period not exceeding 24 hours if the thing is found in or on the premises, where the authorised officer believes on reasonable grounds that—