Page:Small Motorised Vehicles (Safety) Act 2020.pdf/14

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NO. 25 OF 2020

(i) the thing is evidential material relevant to an offence under this Act; and
(ii) it is necessary to secure the thing in order to prevent it from being concealed, lost or destroyed before a warrant to seize the thing is obtained;
(h) to seize any thing found in or on the premises which the authorised officer reasonably suspects is as described in paragraph (g)(i);
(i) to require any relevant person, or any individual found in or on the relevant premises, to answer any question (to the best of that person’s or individual’s knowledge, information and belief) and to provide any document or information that the authorised officer reasonably requires for any of the purposes of section 9.

(2) However, an authorised officer is not authorised by subsection (1)—

(a) to enter and search any relevant premises that is a place of accommodation or residence, except—
(i) with the consent of the occupier; or
(ii) under a warrant of a Magistrate’s Court or District Court; or
(b) to seize any thing in or on any relevant premises unless the seizure is made under a warrant of a Magistrate’s Court or District Court, being a thing other than a vehicle or vehicle component mentioned in section 11.

(3) A warrant mentioned in subsection (2) may be issued if a Magistrate’s Court or District Court is satisfied that it is necessary for the authorised officer to enter any relevant premises, search any relevant premises or seize any thing (as the case may be) for any of the purposes of section 9.

(4) The power under subsection (1)(f) to operate electronic equipment in or on any relevant premises includes the power—