Page:Some Account of New Zealand.pdf/41

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Account of

song used upon this occasion is cheerful and not destitute of harmony; while that made use of upon the going down of the sun is mournful, and accompanied by such actions as evidently denote sorrow for his departure.

The song upon these occasions is usually sung by one person, to which there is a chorus, in which the whole company join: and I believe that they not only unite their voices for the purpose of adoration, but that their hearts are also filled with the same sentiment.

The song used to the moon is mournful, and their accompanying actions denote a mixture of adoration and apprehension.

My short residence among these people prevented me from acquiring an intimate knowledge of their religion; I can, therefore, only mention such circumstances as cursory observation induced me to believe related to that subject: the native I brought to England with me wishing always to avoid any conversation on this head. Upon some