Page:Some Account of New Zealand.pdf/42

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New Zealand.

occasions I noticed that they were peculiarly observant of cleanliness; for instance, after cutting or combing their hair, they never make use of their hands to feed themselves, but are fed for one or more days after that operation by some one of their relatives.

The head seems to be generally considered an improper part to be touched by any kind of food, nor do they ever like articles of that description to be over their heads, though at some distance.

Between the beams of the ship were nettings filled with potatoes, under which the natives had a very great aversion from sitting.

My reason for believing that this aversion was produced by ideas connected with their religion was, that they always expressed their disgust in the strongest manner, and that nothing but force could induce them to remain in that situation. They would enter no further into an explanation of their feelings than matta matta very bad.

Their expressions of horror upon these

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