Page:Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston.pdf/10

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fore any competent number of them were brought to such a condition, that he could adventure to celebrate the Lord's Supper: but by his diligence, through the grace of God, some of them began to lay religion to heart.

In the year 1649, the Parliament and Church of Scotland had sent some Commissioners to treat with the King at the Hague, in order to his admission; but they returned without satisfaction. Yet the Parliament, in summer 1650 sent other Commissioners to prosecute the foresaid treaty at Breda; and the Commission of the Kirk chose Mr. Livingston & Mr. Wood, and after that added Mr. Hutcheson to them, with the Lords Cassils and Brody, as ruling Elders, that in name of the Church they should present and prosecute their desires. Mr. Livingston was very unwilling to go, and that for several reasons, the chief of which was, he still suspected the King to be not right at heart in respect of the true Presbyterian religion, and notwithstanding, he saw that many in the kingdom were ready to receive the King home upon any terms; but he was prevailed upon by Messrs. David Dickson, James Guthrie; and Patrick Gillespie, to go. After much conference and reasoning with the Kingat