Page:Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston.pdf/11

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at Breda, they were not like to come to any conclusion. Here he observed, that the King still continued the use of the Service-Book and his Chaplains; and was many a night balling and dancing till near day. This, with many other things, made him conclude there would be no blessing on that treaty. The treaty, to his unspeakable grief, was at last concluded; and some time after, the King set sail for Scotland: but Mr. Livingston refused to go aboard with them; so that when Brody and Mr. Hutcheson saw that they could not prevail with him to go on board, they desired him, before parting, to go into the ship, to speak of some matters in hand, which he did; and, in the meanwhile, the boat that should have waited his return, made straight for shore without him.

After this, the King agreed with the Commissioners, to swear and subscribe the Covenant: and it was laid upon him to preach the next Sabbath, and tender the Covenants, both National and Solemn League, and take his oath thereon: But he, judging that such a rash and precipitate swearing of the Covenants would not be for the honour of the cause they were embarked in, did all he could to deter the King and Commissioners from doing ituntil