Page:Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston.pdf/5

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About April 1626, he was sent for by Lord Kenmuir to Galloway, in reference to a Call to the parish of Anwoth; but some hindrance coming in the way, this design was laid aside. In the harveſt following, he hearkened to another Call to Torphichen, but this proved also unsuccessful.

After this he went to the Earl of Wigton's, where he stayed some time. The most part of this summer he travelled from place to place, according as he got invitations to preach, and especially at Communions in Lanark, Irvine, Newmills, Kinniel, &c.

He was also sometimes invited to preach at the Shots: In that place, he says, he used to find more liberty in preaching than elsewhere; yea, the only day in all his life wherein he found most of the presence of God in preaching, he observes, was on a Monday after a Communion, at the Kirk of Shots, June 21, 1630.—The night before he had been with some Christians, who spent the night in prayer and conference; on the morning there came such a misgiving of spirit upon him, in considering his own unworthineſs and weakness, and the expectation of the peo-ple,