Page:Some remarkable passages in the life of Mr. John Livingston.pdf/6

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ple, that he was conſulting to have stolen away somewhere, and declined that day's work; but thinking he could not so distrust God, he went to Sermon, where he got remarkable assistance in speaking about one hour and a half from Ezekiel xxxvi. 25. 26. "Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean; from all your filthiness, &c." Here he was led out in such a melting strain, that, by the down-pouring of the Spirit from on high, a most discernable change was wrought upon about 500 of the hearers, who could either date their conversion or some remarkable confirmation from that day forward. Some little of that ſtamp, he ſays, remained on him the Thurſday after, when he preached at Kilmarnock; but on the Monday following, preaching at Irvine, he was ſo deſerted, that when he had meditated upon, write, and kept fully in memory, he could not get pronounced; which ſo diſcouraged him, that he was reſolved not to preach for ſome time, at leaſt in Irvine; but Mr. Dickſon would not ſuffer him to go from thence, till he preached the next Sabbath, which he did with ſome freedom.

This ſummer, being in Irvine, he got letters from Viſcount Clanniboy to come to Ireland, in reference to a call in Kil-linchie;